CRIME, an extremely popular and original news program on the market, not only deals with various criminal cases and affairs, but also offers important service contributions and advice on issues related to the courts, laws, and other problematic areas of social life in Slovakia.
A unique news show that doesn't just focus on crime cases
On average, 397,000 people watch each live Crime broadcast (RTG 8.6%). Each premiere reaches an average of 525,000 inhabitants of Slovakia. The most successful segment was watched by up to 604,000 people, recorded a 26.2% audience share, and reached up to 809,000 people. More than 80% of Slovaks have watched Crime at least once (N+ 83%).
The data are analyzed in CS 12+ +host, from 1.9.2021 to 30.9.2022, premiere session only, in the measurement LIVE + TS 0-3. Data source: PMT/KANTAR SLOVAKIA