Seven is an entertainment show that JOJ has been broadcasting on and off since 2009. Every week, the presenter Elena Vacvalová and four other popular humorists gloss over current social and political events in Slovakia and the world that have happened over the past seven days.
The most famous show glossing the events of the past 7 days
Each premiere episode of Seven is watched by an average of 186,000 (RTG 2.6%). Each premiere reaches an average of 201,000 Slovak residents. The most successful episode was watched by up to 186,000 people, recorded a 16.1% viewership share, and reached up to 290,000 people.
The data are analyzed in CS 12+ +host, from 1.9.2021 to 30.9.2022, premiere session only, in the measurement LIVE + TS 0-3. Data source: PMT/KANTAR SLOVAKIA